University: Mae Fah Luang
Type: PhD student
Course: Ph.D
Year of graduation or arriving at the University: 2014
Dissertation title:Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Phyllosticta Fungi
Advisers and supervisors: Professor Dr Kevin. D. Hyde Assoc. Prof Dr. Chaiwat
To Anun ( Chiang Mai University) Prof dr. Pedro W. Crous ( Westerdijk Institute, The Netherlands)
- Three New Species of Corynespora From Indonesia .2006. Mycotaxon
- Phyllosticta citriasiana sp.nov. the cause of Citrus tan spot of Citrus maxima in Indonesia. 2009. Fungal Diversity
- Guignardia/Phyllosticta species on Banana. Cryptogamie Mycologie. 2010
- Guignardia morindae frog eye leaf spotting disease from Morinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae). Mycosphere. 2010.
- Guignardia bispora, G. ellipsoidea spp. nov. and other Guignardia sp. from palms ( Arecaceae). Mycosphere. 2011
- A Modern account of The Genus Phyllosticta. Plant Pathology and Quarantine. 2013.
- Redisposition of species from the Guignardia sexual states of Phyllosticta. Plant Pathology and Quarantine. 2014.
- Thielaviopsis spp. from Salak [Salacca zalacca (Gaerntn.)Voss] in Indonesia. IJAT. International Journal of Agricultural and Technology. 2018
- Best Presenter in International Conference of Indonesia Biodiversity Society (Masyarakata Biodiversitas Indonesia) 2019.
- The Morphology of Endophytic Phyllosticta Fungi from Kratom (Mytragyna speciosa)
Experiences at the University
Mae Fah Luang University one of the best research institute and university in South East Asia to study fungi.
Work experience and present expertise since leaving the University.
Phytopathogenic Fungi of Indonesia and Marine Fungi
Alumni wisdom
Keep study hard and smart. Learning from supervisor and other student,
everybody can be the source of knowledge. Keep the many idea and write
Personal details
I am a senior researcher in Microbiology Division, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong, 16911, West Java, Indonesia. I am wife of husband and mother of 3 sons.” I am learning The Taxonomy of Fungi with Agile Energy”