Sajeewa Maharachchikumbura

University: Mae Fah Luang

Type: PhD student

Course: Biosciences PhD

Year of graduation or arriving at the University: 2014

Dissertation title: Phylogeny and DNA Barcoding

Advisers and supervisors: Advisor- Prof. Kevin Hyde


At present, I authored around 150 scientific publications support for many of the Sordariomycetes fungi

Young Asian Mycologist (2017) Awarded by Asian Mycological Congress Highly Cited Researcher in Plant and Animal Science (2018) – Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) Highly Cited Researcher in Plant and Animal Science (2019) – Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) Top Peer Reviewer in Plant and Animal Science (2019) – Publons (Web of Science)

Experiences at the University

MFU is a very welcoming place! I’ve made a great group of friends and they really helped me to enjoy my uni life.
My PhD supervisor, Prof. Hyde, he himself is a great inspiration for all of us who help to shape the young minds in mycology at MFU. He was the one that really got me interested in mycology.

Work experience and present expertise since leaving the University.

Currently I am a Professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. I focusses on Sordariomycetes fungi and my research has always been a desire to conserve the richness of nature.

Alumni wisdom

Steve Jobs famously said, “the only way to do great work is to love what you do”. Of course, the dedication to Mycology is essential! Work hard! Focused and consistent work is the key to success. Enjoy your successes and try to accept criticism and use them in a positive way to improve. Usually, feedbacks help to make your research stronger. Reading and sharing ideas will guide your research into new directions. Most importantly, you won’t be able to get recognition unless you publish your findings. Always try to publish while maintaining the quality of your output. Same time tries to establish professional relationships and collaborations with others. Remember, mycology is a team effort!

Personal details

If you are interested in collaborating on the various taxonomic aspects of Sordariomycetes, do let me know and I will be happy to share and cooperate more! I can be reached at